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Image by Aniket Deole


Choose the membership level that works for you!

Friends and Clubs

$50 per year

Individuals and families who support our community but do not own businesses here.

Clubs or organizations not registered

as 501(c)3 charities.

Medium Business

$250 per year

Businesses with 11-25 employees

or contractors.

Real estate or Property Management agencies with multiple Realtors or Short Term Rental clients.

Micro Business

$100 per year

Sole proprietors with 0 employees (includes Realtors registering independently as part of a larger agency).

Short-term rental owners with one rental property.

Large Business

$500 per year

Organizations with 26 or more employees or contractors.

Developers representing funded expansion projects along the Hwy 120 corridor.

Small Business

$125 per year

Organizations with 10 or fewer employees  or contractors.


Short-term rental owners with multiple rental properties.


$0 per year

501(c)3 registered organization with any number of employees or contractors.

Nonprofit chambers of commerce, visitors bureaus, and other NGOs

(non-government organizations).

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