News & Info
49er Festival
Member Directory
Friends and Clubs
Individuals and families who support our community but do not own businesses here.
Clubs or organizations not registered
as 501(c)3 charities.
Medium Business
Businesses with 11-25 employees
or contractors.
Real estate or Property Management agencies with multiple Realtors or Short Term Rental clients.
Micro Business
Sole proprietors with 0 employees (includes Realtors registering independently as part of a larger agency).
Short-term rental owners with one rental property.
Large Business
Organizations with 26 or more employees or contractors.
Developers representing funded expansion projects along the Hwy 120 corridor.
Small Business
Organizations with 10 or fewer employees or contractors.
Short-term rental owners with multiple rental properties.
501(c)3 registered organization with any number of employees or contractors.
Nonprofit chambers of commerce, visitors bureaus, and other NGOs
(non-government organizations).