On October 24th, Yosemite National Park began a 30-day, pre-NEPA civic engagement period to gather comments and input on potential enhancements to the Mist Trail Corridor. Comments gathered during this period will help the park refine preliminary ideas, strategies, and concepts and will inform the development of future management alternatives.
A virtual public meeting is scheduled for November 13th at 4pm PST to provide information about this process, the link will be updated here: Meeting Notices.
The park intends to publish a draft Environmental Assessment (EA) for public comment by summer 2025. To learn more about the project, visit the project planning page, Mist Trail Corridor Project. Public Comments are accepted through November 23rd. We know that your involvement will bring a unique and well-informed perspective to our key issues and opportunities that will critically inform this process.
As a member of the general public, you are also welcome to provide public comments via PEPC (https://parkplanning.nps.gov/MistTrailPlan) based on your experience as a user of the park.