By Roni Lynn Rudy
The Big Oak Flat/Groveland Sewer Collection System Renovation Project is
moving along on schedule, with the first portion of the construction taking place
behind the District office and in Big Oak Flat. The Pine Mountain Lake portion of
the project is scheduled to begin on August 12, 2022.
The massive project is needed to prevent sewer system blockages and sanitary
sewer overflows and to provide adequate and reliable sewer service to all
District customers. The District’s existing treatment and collection system was
built in 1941. Significant additions were made in 1982 and the system was last
upgraded in 1990. The sewer collection system is significantly aged and some
of the older portions of the system experience blockages and require regular
cleaning to avoid an increase in breakages. The physical condition of some of
these sewer lines is suspected to be poor, in some instances they may be
beyond their life expectancy, and may need to be replaced or rehabilitated.
Indicators of these conditions have been failing manholes and infiltration and
inflow issues in recent years.
The Project includes the rehabilitation or replacement of approximately 11,500
linear feet of existing sewer main, performing spot repairs as shown on the
plans, construction of 19 new sanitary sewer manholes, rehabilitation of 46
existing sanitary sewer manholes, and the installation on 1 new flushing branch
within the GCSD sewer collection system.
Construction costs for the Sewer Collection System Improvements Project will be covered in part by the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) funding
grant. The funding agreement states that 75% ($4,384,176.00) of the funds will
be provided via grant and 25% ($1,461, 392.00) via loan. The loan portion will
have an interest rate of 1.4% annually for 30 years.
Planned Sewer system improvements in Big Oak Flat:
• Replace approximately 455 linear feet of 6-inch sewer pipe using open trench
excavation methods.
• Rehabilitate approximately 792 linear feet of 6-inch sewer pipe using “trench
less” cured-in-place methods.
• Perform spot repairs to resolve pipe anomalies at two locations.
• Construct new manholes.
• Bring existing manhole lids up to grade.
• Install sealed or locking manhole lids.
Planned Sewer system improvements in Groveland:
• Replace approximately 408 linear feet of 8-inch sewer pipe and 258 linear feet
of 6 inch sewer pipe with open trench excavation methods.
• Rehabilitate approximately 1,413 linear feet using “trench less” cured-in-place
• Rehabilitate and install sealed or locking manhole lids.
Planned Sewer system improvements in Pine Mountain Lake:
• Replace approximately 2,715 linear feet of 6-inch sewer pipe using open
trench excavation methods.
• Perform spot repairs in sections where pipe abnormalities were detected
Many of the sewer lines being replaced and rehabilitated as part of the sewer
collection system project are located on and/or adjacent to private property. In
many cases these utilities are located in very narrow District easements or
public utility easements, between 8 and 20 feet in width. The minimum width in
which the contractor can typically safely complete excavation and utility
replacement is 20 to 30 feet. Therefore, in cases where the contractor must get
a backhoe, dump truck and materials onto private property, they may need both
temporary access rights as well as more room along the permanent easement
for this temporary construction work.
In addition, the District Team has identified locations where having a temporary
easement “strip” for a more convenient temporary access route or material
staging area will cause much less property damage. In some cases, we may not
have access at all for construction and a permanent or temporary easement is
needed. There was an approval on a recent agenda item to provide flexibility for
the General Manager, Pete Kampa, to negotiate temporary and permanent
access and obtain easement rights across private property to safely and
efficiently complete the sewer system rehabilitation project. After executing said
easement deeds, Kampa will bring them to the board for ratification at the
following Regular Board Meeting.