January 11, 2022 marked the first of what will be regularly scheduled Yosemite Chamber monthly Member/Board meetings. This first meeting lasted just four minutes past the planned meeting end time of 7:30pm. That's a great record for our first virtual meeting with a jam-packed agenda. Moving forward, the Chamber Board will be meeting virtually the day before to take care of routine board business to keep the Member/Board agendas full of valuable information, discussion, and networking.
Starting in February, meetings will be on the second Thursday of every month and they will be held both in person and virtual. It's important to your Yosemite Chamber that as many members attend as possible. The February meeting is the 10th from 6p to 7:30 pm. Watch the Weekly for full details.
Attendance at this first virtual meeting was excellent and the Board would like to thank everyone who took time from their busy schedules to tap the link, attend, and participate. The Two Guys Pizza Pies special was marvelous, too. Thank you, Two Guys!
The Board welcomed Vanessa Renkel-Meyers as its newest Board Member-at-Large (see story below). She joins us with high energy and the same love for community we all share. You'll definitely see her around town.
Details were presented for the new Yosemite Chamber Guild, the new Rock Star Employee Recognition Award program, and the two Chamber-led Valentine's promotional opportunities. Attendees were also introduced to two upcoming programs/events that are seeking committee members: Honoring Our Country Program and April's Art Week Celebration.
In addition to a visual review of the Yosemite Chamber's current financial picture, members were introduced to a Business Services program offering a variety of operational, marketing, and administrative services was introduced as an upcoming member benefit. New on the Public Affairs front, the Rivian Automotive plan for an EV charging facility in downtown Groveland was reviewed and discussed with questions answered.
Pete Kampa, general manager of GCSD gave a detailed overview of the proposed Park Improvement Plans which include an amphitheater, climbing structures, a ropes/net course, a developed trail system, and much more. GCSD is applying for a Clean California Grant to complete these plans and the Yosemite Chamber has been approved by the GCSD Board of Directors to co-submit our Beautification plan for Main Street with GCSD's application.
It was also noted that Tuolumne County is applying for a Clean California Grant for a separate project titled Groveland Vibrant Connections to Public Spaces to provide restrooms and better, safer pedestrian access to downtown from the under-utilized "Jail Garden" parking lot. The Chamber has submitted a Letter of Support for Tuolumne County's Groveland project. It is the Chamber board's belief that this triumvirate of projects to improve the Jail Garden parking lot and Main Street access, beautify Main Street, and upgrade our park and recreational facilities, will revitalize Groveland as a preferred stay-play-live destination.
The Yosemite Chamber board is committed to keeping our businesses and community informed and engaged in creating the future of the Highway 120 corridor.
View the complete Chamber Board slide presentation and Pete Kampa's GCSD Park Improvement Plan presentation below. We welcome you to email your questions or comments on any of these topics to info@yosemitechamber.org or call the Yosemite Chamber at 209-962-0429.